Abstract: Anti-Americanism is by nomeans a no new phenomenon, it existed earlier than the foundation of
theUnited States, which correlates closely with the growing of the United States. Anti-Americanism went
through five stages. In 18 century, some Europeans considered theAmerican continentas a degenerate conti-
nent from the nature views. From 1800 to 1880, someEuropeans disdained the institutions and cultures of the
U. S., and derided the new country as culture hungriness. From 1890’s toWWII, anti-Americanism excee-
ded Europe and extended to theworld, which opposedAmerican expansion. During the ColdWar, based on
the ideology, the socialism bloc, partof the thirdworld and the leftwing ofEurope struggled againstAmerican
hegemony and imperialism. After the end ofColdWar, being the only superpower, theUnited States takes the
policy ofhegemonism and power politics, which lead to the anti-Americanism in the world wide. Anti-A-
mericanism moves toward globalization.
Key words: Anti-Americanism; theUnited States; hegemony; Americanization